“入世”将会对中国企业的生存与发展产生深远影响 ,具体表现在 :企业运作的外部环境将发生根本变化 ;中国企业的“先天不足”将会表现得越来越明显 ;国内外企业将展开激烈的人才争夺战 ;中国企业进入国际市场还存在许多困难等。培育核心竞争力是中国企业应对“入世”的根本举措 ,主要措施包括 :(1)转变观念 ,抓住机遇 ,勇敢迎接“入世”挑战 ;(2 )加快现代企业制度建设 ,形成规范的法人治理结构 ;(3 )高度重视技术创新 ,创建完善的、有竞争力的技术体系 ;(4 )加强和改善企业管理 ,提高企业整体素质 ;(5 )培育优秀的企业文化 。
The Chinese enterprises will meet with a lot of disadvantageous factors after entering WTO,and have to enhance immediately their core competition power to adapt themselves to the new environment.In this paper,the author analyses the four displays of disadvantageous influences after entering WTO,explains the importance of enhancing core competition power for Chinese enterprises,and then discusses in detail the effective measures to enhance the core competition power.
Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)