本文通过水培和砂培两种方法 ,研究了镉胁迫下小麦 (TriticumaestivmL .)根系的生理生态变化。通过研究镉对小麦根系生长发育状况 ,根系活力 ,根系对矿质元素的吸收 ,探讨镉胁迫下植物根系的生理生态效应。研究结果表明 :镉影响根系的长度、生物量、体积和根系活力。Cd2 + 在低浓度 (处理浓度低于 5mg/L)作用下 ,随处理浓度的升高 ,刺激小麦根系的长度、生物量、体积相应地升高 ;当处理浓度高于相应浓度时 ,根长度、生物量、体积相应随浓度升高而降低。镉胁迫下根系活力受到抑制。水培和砂培中 ,镉对根系的影响趋势一致 ,但是影响幅度有差异。砂培好于水培。镉影响小麦根对矿质元素的吸收 ,Ca、Cu、Fe、K、Mg、Mn、Na、Zn吸收情况不太一致。Ca、Cu、Fe、Mg、Mn、Na的吸收量随Cd2 + 浓度升高而增加 ,K、Zn的吸收量随Cd2 +
In this paper, two culturing modes, water-culture medium and sand-culture medium, were used to investigate the physiological and ecological responses of wheat ( Triticum aestivm L. ) to cadmium (Cd) pollution stress. The results show that Cd could affect the length, biological quantity, volume and activity of roots. When Cd was in low concentration (lower than 5mg/L), Cd could promote the growth, biological quantity and volume of the roots. However, when the concentration was high (higher than 5mg/L), inhibition effects could be observed. Cd had similar influences in water-culture medium and sand-culture medium, but the extents were not same. Cd also had effects on the absorption of mineral elements, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na and Zn, by the roots. Nevertheless, the promotion or inhibition effects varied depending on elements. Cd could promote the absorption of Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Na, however the absorption of K and Zn was inhibited.
Chinese Journal of Soil Science
云南省教委基金项目 (981 1 0 87)资助