选择 30头空怀 1年的乏情母牦牛 ,随机分成 2组 ,第 1组用传统的藏兽医方法进行治疗 ;第 2组用孕马血清促性腺激素 ( PMSG)和绒毛模促性腺激素 ( HCG)进行治疗。结果表明 ,第 1组发情率为 33.3% ,第 2组发情率为 5 5 .6% ,第 2组发情率比第 1组高 2 2 .3% ( P<0 .0 5 )
non estrus yak cows were randomly divided into two groups, the first group was treated with traditional Tibetan medicine and the second was treated with PMSG and HCG. The results showed that the percentage of return to estrus of two groups was 33.3% and 55.6%, respectively, the return rate of the second group was higher than that of the first group by 22.3%( P <0.05).
Journal of Yellow Cattle Science