文章叙述了室内燃气管的暗敷技术。经过调研、试点后认为暗管宜采用柔性较好的优质铜制管道与管材,且需符合 GB/T18033—2000与 GB/T11618—1999的各项标准要求。提出了喑敷燃气管的安装要求以及应注意的几个问题:1)燃气管暗敷应规范化管理:2)确保安全气密性标准比明管提高一倍:3)为防止室内墙面改建时损坏暗管,必需绘制暗敷管道的竣工图。对明、瞎管的价格比较后认为在经济上暗管具有明显优势。
After research and test the author hold the idea that high-grade copper pipes and joints with betterflexibility must be used in this case,and meet all requirements in GB/T18033-2000 and GB/T11618-1999.Severalnotes must be rominded during the engineering process:1)normalized management 2)standard of air tightness mustbe doubled with common gas pipe line 3)engineering graph drawing in order to avoid damaging pipes whilerebuilding walls.
Shanghai Gas