对我院 1998- 2 0 0 0年新入学本、专科大学生 44 96人结核菌素试验 (以下简称结素试验 )、X射线检查结果进行分析 ,结果表明 ,结素试验强阳率 15 .5 % ,肺结核发病率 82 4/ 10万 ,高于全国及全省水平 .说明在新生中进行结核病普查 。
Here is the analysis of the tuberculosis bacterium test to 4496 freshmen of 1998-2000 and X-ray examination. The result indicates that positive reaction rate comes to 15 5% and the tuberculosis rate 824/100000,higher than average nation level.Therefore it is of great significance to have tuberculosis examination and to spread the knowledge of tuberculosis among the freshmen.
Journal of Yunnan University of The Nationalities(Natural Sciences Edition)