
混凝土的断裂能随断裂路径的变化规律 被引量:11

Effect of fracture path on fracture energy of concrete
摘要 本文指出了混凝土的断裂能与抗压强度之间不存在直接的关系 ,采用分数维理论定理研究了混凝土的断裂面和断裂能与断裂面特征之间的关系 .试验结果表明 :(1)断裂面分数维随最大集料尺寸的增加而增加 ,较高水胶比的混凝土分数维增加速度较快 ;(2 )在同样水胶比下 ,断裂能随分数维增加 ,较低水胶比混凝土的断裂能随分数维增加的速率较较高水胶比的混凝土快 ;(3)采用延性指数描述了混凝土的脆性 ,对所有试件延性指数与分数维之间都存在较好的线性增加关系 . The fractal theory is applied to quantitatively study the fracture surface and the relationship between fracture energy and fracture characteristics. The experimental results show that fractal dimension increases with the increase of maximum aggregate size and the increment for high water binder ratio concrete is much higher than that of low ratio; fracture energy of concrete increases with the increase of fractal dimension for a constant water binder ratio and the increment for low water binder concrete is much higher than that of high ratio. Good linear correlation between ductility index and fractal dimension is attained if the ductility index is used to assess the brittleness of concrete. It is concluded that a direct relationship between fracture energy may not exist.
出处 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期76-80,共5页 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
关键词 斯裂能 强度 分数维 脆性 混凝土 concrete fracture energy strength fractal dimension brittleness
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