
合肥光源储存环铁氧体冲击磁铁涡流模型与分析 被引量:1

Model and Analysis of Eddy Current of Ferrite-dominated Kicker Magnet in Hefei Light Source Ring
摘要 铁氧体冲击磁铁是国家同步辐射实验室二期工程注入系统改造课题中关键注入部件之一 ,其主要功能是产生微秒量级均匀的脉冲磁场。文章介绍了铁氧体冲击磁铁设计过程中建立的涡流问题的数学模型及关于涡流问题分析。数值计算结果表明 :选择合理的铁氧体电导率和磁芯结构参数 ,可以基本消除磁芯中涡流对脉冲磁场分布的影响。冲击磁铁脉冲磁场测量结果表明 。 The ferrite-dominated kicker magnet whose main function is to produce uniform pulsed magnetic field is one of the crucial elements in injection-system improvement task of national synchrotron radiation lab phase II project. The mathematical model and analysis concerned in eddy current of kicker's core in the designing is presented. The result of quantitative analysis demonstrates that, to determine the conductivity of ferrite material and parameters of magnetic core reasonably can eliminate the effects of eddy current on the magnetic-field properties. The results of pulsed-magnetic-field measurement of kicker magnets show that, the design of kicker magnets of HLS storage ring is reasonable.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第1期20-24,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 国家重大科学工程--中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室二期工程资助项目 (P2A0 2 )
关键词 冲击磁铁 谐波磁场 脉冲磁场 磁场均匀性 涡流效应 设计 同步辐射 光源 储存环 涡流模型 Eddy currents Magnetic cores Magnetic field measurement Mathematical models Synchrotron radiation
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