儒家义利观包含两个不同的层面 :要求君子见利思义和对庶民先富后教。它对中国古代的民法和经济法产生了多方面的影响。在当前 ,儒家义利观与民事、经济法的原则、制度有诸多契合 ,能促进民法、经济法的发展。
In fact,the Comfucian idea of justice and benefit have a dual character.asking a gentleman to think about all moral principles at the sight of profits;coping with the mutitude to make them rich before teaching them.etiquettes.They had a lot of influence on the civil and economic laws of ancient China.At present,the Confucian idea of justice and benefit agree with the principes and systems of the civil and economis law,which can promote developing of the civil and economic laws of China.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University