随着新科技革命的不断深入 ,市场经济由近代向现代的发展 ,资本主义企业面临的外部市场环境发生了重大变化 ,从而从根本上促成了资本主义企业管理者向领导者角色转换这样一场管理革命。一方面 ,这场管理革命是资本主义生产关系在其自身限度内的一种扬弃 ;另一方面 ,不难预见 ,共享型的“多边治理结构”将在现时替代资本家单方面垄断企业所有权和组织租金的“单边治理结构”
In keeping with the deepgoing development of the new Sci Tech revolution and the transition from modern market economy to contemporary market economy, the external market that capitalistic enterprises faced changes a lot. Thereby, the management revolution of the transition from the role of manager to that of leader happened in capitalistic enterprise. On one hand, the revolution can be considered as a sublation of capitalistic relation of production itself; on the other had, we can foresee easily that the 'Co governance' will subsitute for the 'Mono governance' that the capitalist himself controls the ownership and earnigs.
Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Social Science)