: Death penalty is an oldest penalty. There are almos t 110 countries and areas in the world who have abolished death penalty or stopp ed executing death penalty.For many times,the United Nations has put forward the restricted use and aboliton of death penalty in its conventions and documents. The Chinese Government signed the United Nation's 'Conventions on Civil Rig hts and Political Rights' on the 5th of October, 1998,but the government put fo rward one of retained opinions that our country continues to keep use of death p enalty.Is this contrary to the guarantee of the human rights?What are the necess ity and reason of doing so? Here, I will discuss the necessities of our country' s keeping use of death penalty on the view of human rights and that keeping use of death penalty is for protecting the human rights of the most of the 1.295 bil lion people in our country.This is suited to the conditions of the present time of our country.
Journal of Sichuan Teachers College (Philosophy & Social Science)