

From the Awakening of "Ego" to the Establishment of Principle of Freedom--A Tentative Exploration of the Process and Logic of Modern Chinese Enlightenment Philosophy Breaking through Holism
摘要 突破整体主义价值体系的束缚,确立以个体的独立、自由和权利为基础的新型价值体系,是由传统社会向近代社会转型过程中必然要遭遇的问题。中国近代启蒙哲学上承明清之际的启蒙思想,以对人的存在个体性的重新发现为突破口,对理学为代表的本质主义倾向及其相关联的权威主义、专制主义展开了冲击。对“自我”的推崇和论证,对“独”与“群”关系的思辨讨论以及对非理性主义的同情和首肯,都表现了近代思想家在哲学层面上对人的个体存在及其自由的关注。近代启蒙哲学揭示出:在群已关系中以自由原则取代整体主义,既要去除内在的奴性人格,又要突破外在的制度性压制。前者主要表现为对个体人格的独立和个性自由的追求;后者则主要表现为对政治自由与公民民主权利的追求。 It is an inevitably confronted problem in the transition process from conventional to modern society to smash the bonds of holistic system of values and set up a new value system based on individual independence, freedom atid right. Carrying on the enlightenment thought in the turn of Ming and Qing dynasties, and taking the rediscovery of individuality of human existence as a breakthrough, modern Chinese enlightenment philosophy set about to charge the essentialist tendency represented by Neo-Confucianism and relevant authoritarianism and absolutism. To value and demonstrate the ego, to have speculative discussions on the relationship between individual and collective, and to positively affirm non-rationalism, all this expressed, philosophically, those modem thinkers' concerns of human individ- ual existence and its freedom. According to modern enlightenment philosophy, when the principle of freedom is to take place of holism in the relationship between collective and individual, an internal slave-like personality must be got rid of, and an external institutional suppression must be broken through as well. The former finds a primary expression in a pursuit of independence of individual personality and personal freedom, and the latter, a pursuit of political liberty and civic democratic rights.
作者 刘晓虹
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第6期65-71,共7页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 群已关系 自由原则 整体主义 本质主义 非理性主义 中国 近代 启蒙哲学 自我 relationship between collective and individual, principle of freedom, holism, essentialism, non-rationalism
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