无论从中国现代文学史 ,还是中国现代戏剧史的角度来考察和论证夏衍及其剧作的存在价值 ,夏衍都堪称是一流的剧作家。尤其在艺术手法的运用上 ,他将对时代的关注、对政治的热情和独特的艺术创造有机地结合起来 ,营造了自己意味深长的艺术境界 。
Xia Yan deserves the title of great playwright of profound significance. No matter how people evaluate and criticize him, from either the perspective of modern Chinese literature or drama, the value of his work still remains great. Xia Yan, especially in his form and style, combined both a focus on the events of his time and an enthusiasm for politics with his unique form of artistic expression.
Journal of Lanzhou Railway University