台湾海峡两岸隔岸相望 ,近在咫尺 ,却人为地阻隔了 5 0年。随着两岸贸易量的增长 ,民众的频繁往来 ,“三通”的呼声日益高涨。近年来 ,经两岸航运及各界人士的共同努力 ,海上通航已迈出了可喜的一步。随着中国加入 WTO,“直航”更显迫切。海峡两岸应求同存异 ,以务实的方法尽快解决“三通”
Taiwan and mainland,though close to each other,are separated for fifty years by man made obstacles.The increase of trade between the two places and the close contact between the people brings about the demand of three kinds of intercourse services.In recent years,the first important step has been made in marine navigation due to the mutual effort of the shipping circles of taiwan and mainland and that of the people in all sections.With China's entry into WTO,the direct navigation becomes more urgent.The two sides of the strait should seek common ground while reserving differences and try to solve the problem of three kinds of intercourse services as early as possible.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition