李大钊在民国初年至五四前夕就对中国社会现代化有所思考和研究 ,认为倡导现代民族主义精神、强化国家政权力量、培植新的现代化的势力是落后的中国启动社会现代化的条件。早期李大钊对启动中国社会现代化条件的思考是对近代以来中国社会现代化的积极总结 。
Li Dazhao has made a study of the Chinese modernization in the period of from Republic of China to May 4th Movement, and advocates that the conditions for Chinese modernization are the spirit of nationalism, the power of politics, and the new modernized groups. Li Dazhao's ideas about the conditions for Chinese modernization are historical conclusion for the Chinese society modernization, which have an important status in the Chinese modernized history.
Journal of Ningxia University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)