从电动车电驱动系统的基本特性出发 ,以电动车工况为中心 ,建立了最大效率控制下异步电动机的仿真模型。通过实例在线性条件与考虑饱和的非线性条件下进行了最大效率控制的仿真计算 ,而且将最大效率控制与传统 U/f恒定控制进行了比较分析。详细分析了最大效率控制效果 。
According to the essential trait of electric drive systems in Electric Vehices(Evs),it is built that the simulation model of asynchronous motor drive system of EVs in Efficiency Optimization Control(EOC),which suits different motors for simulation and research concerning the running condition of EVs.Taking nonlinear saturation problem into consideration,simulation study on EOC is proceeded by using an actual motor acting as an example and comparison of EOC with classical U/f control mode is completed at the same time.Effect of EOC is analysed in detail to validate its feasilbility.
S&M Electric Machines