目的 :优选复壮胶囊方药成分的提取工艺。方法 :以人参二醇、人参三醇、β 谷甾醇、淫羊藿苷、甜菜碱、总糖、干浸膏为指标 ,在药材粒度、溶剂量、煎提温度、滤过、浓缩等条件相同的前提下 ,采用半仿生提取法 (SBE法 )、水提取法 (WE法 )、半仿生提取醇沉法 (SBAE法 )、水提取醇沉法 (WAE法 )进行比较研究。结果 :7个指标综合评价Y值为 :SBE法 >WE法 >SBAE法 >WAE法。结论 :复壮胶囊方药成分的提取以用SBE法为佳。即 3次煎提用水的pH值依次为 :3 .4 ,7.5 ,8.4 ;提取时间依次为 :2 .0 ,1.5 ,1.5h。
Objective: The extract technologies for the components of Fuzhuang Capsules were optimized. Methods: Four methods: the semi bionic extraction (SBE), the water extraction (WE), the semi bionic extraction by precipitation with alcohol (SBAE) and the water extraction by precipitation with alcohol (WAE) were used to extract Fuzhuang Capsules, with panaxadiol, panaxatriol, β sitosterol, icariine, betaine, total sugar and dried extractive taken as the marker, under the same conditions of drug granularity, solvent amount, decocting temperature, filtration, concentration, etc., and then four methods were compared and studied. Results: Through the comprehensive evaluation of seven markers, their comprehensive values Y decreased in the order of SBE, WE, SBAE and WAE. Conclusion: SBE is better than the other three methods in the extraction of the components of Fuzhuang Capsules, which is showed by the fact that the pH values of the water for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd decoctions are 3.4, 7.5 and 8.4, and the extraction times are 2.0h, 1.5h, and 1.5h respectively.
Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine
山东省医药卫生科研课题 ( 9912 0 5 90 8)