目的 :探讨武汉市小学生感觉统合失调情况及家庭影响因素。方法 :选取武汉市城区 3所代表性小学学生进行感觉统合评定及相关家庭情况调查。结果 :1976名 6~ 11岁儿童感觉统合轻度和重度失调率为 2 3 .73 %和 12 .0 4 % ,男孩失调率高于女孩 ,6岁组失调率高于 10和 11岁组 ,工业区学生感统失调率高于学院区。结论 :武汉市约有三分之一的小学生存在轻重不一的感觉统合失调现象 ,父母受教育程度。
Objective:To investigate the prevalence of sensory integrative dysfunction(SID) among school children in Wuhan and its related factors in families .Methods: A survey of SID was carried out in 1 976 children aged 6~11 in Wuhan. Results: The prevalence of mild SID was 23.73% and that of a serious case was 12.04%. The prevalence of SID in males was higher than that in females and it was hightest in young aged group. The prevalence of SID was relatively low in the group with better family environment. Conclusion: Sensory integrative dysfunction is an important problem for children growth in Wuhan.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University