目的 :探讨颈椎病前路减压及融合治疗多节段脊髓型颈椎病的手术适应证、并发症及其处理。方法 :回顾性分析脊髓型颈椎病 2 2 6例 ,其中多节段 2 3例 ,约占 9.1% ,采用前路减压及融合术。结果 :随访 19例 ,优 13例 ,良 4例 ,好转 2例 ,无恶化或加重的病例。结论 :颈椎前路减压及融合术患者术中处于清醒状态能与术者配合 ,随时观察脊髓神经损伤体征 ,既达到广泛减压 ,又能融合稳定病变节段 。
Objective: To study the indications and complications of anterior incision decompression and interbody fusion in the treatment of segmental cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Methods: Among 226 cases of cervical spondylotic myelopathy analyzed retrospectively, 23 cases of the segmental type, approximately 9.1%, were treated by anterior incision decompression and interbody fusion. Results: 13 cases were excellent; 4 were good and 2 improved. No case became severe. Conclusion: As the patients are awaken and corporative during the operation, nerve injury signs can be observed at any time. Anterior incision decompression and interbody fusion can not only decompress the spinal cord widely, but fuse and stabilize the involved segments, contributing to the recovery of spinal cord function.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University