以丁玲作品《我在霞村的时候》及其引起的文艺论争为引 ,梳理出 40年代延安文学至 5 0年代后期的整个文学发展的脉络。并结合她于同时期发表的另外两部作品《在医院中》、《三八节有感》以及文学评论 ,进一步探讨当时文艺界最为敏感的议题———个人主义与集体主义认同的二元对立 ,社会主义现实主义的创作原则以及女性个体的自我认同。
Through analyzing Ding Ling's work 'My Stay In Xia Village' and the ensuing polemics on it, this paper puts into order the sequence of development of modern and contemporary Chinese literature from the 1940's in Yan'an to the late 1950's. And it also inquires into the most sensitive topics at that time--the contradiction between individualism and collective identification, the creative principles for socialist realism and the female individual for identity.
Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)