湘西文化的生态环境 ,一是山重水复的封闭的自然环境 ,二是贫困的经济环境 ,三是宽松的人文社会环境。湘西独特的生态环境 ,使湘西文化保存着较多的原始宗教 (万物有灵观念 )和自然宗教 (多神论 )的文化遗留 ,保留了远古歌舞祀神的巫风 ,是一种巫风尤盛的附魅文化 ,深深打上了宗教伦理的历史胎记。湘西文化成了研究古代文化特别是楚巫文化的活化石。
The cultural ecology of Western Hunan includes closed natural environment,backward economy and loose social and humanistic surroundings.This unique cultural ecology preserves many primitive religious beliefs and deistical ideas.These beliefs and ideas are well reflected in its wu culture and ceremonial customs.Therefore,the culture of Western Hunan may well be considered as the alive fossils of the ancient civilization,especially of the ancient Chu and Wu civilization.
Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)