80年代文化寻根小说中的鲜明主题意向 ,繁复的情节叙述 ,以及创作主体强行介入人物命运的写作方式 ,都流露出社会转型时期现代性的焦虑。而沈从文的作品以“乡下人”的执着 ,以真正艺术家的心境回答了未来世界走向一体化进程中会遇到的问题 ,即从多元文化的审美角度来对待和处理现代性的紧张与焦虑问题。沈从文固守着自身审美立场对当时现实得出的结论 ,创作出了许多优秀作品 ;80年代的寻根作家到底没能逃脱流行趋势的囿制 ,也没能取得沈从文那样的文学成就。
The striking themes,extravagant narration,and imposition of creative subject upon the fate of characters in the root-seeking novels of 1980's all reveal the anxiety of a transitional society.Shen Congwen,in his novel 'Countrymen',gives an artist's answer to the problems of a future society when the world will inevitably become economically and culturally integrated.He deals with the problem of nervousness and anxiety of the modern society from an angle of pluralistic aesthetics and creates a lot of excellent literay works.After all,the novelists of the root-seeking school of the 1980's never went beyond the limitation of the current tendency,and never rose to the level of Shen Congwen.
Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)