从阿德勒的自卑心理学角度来探讨沈从文的创作心理 ,认为正是沈从文家世的衰落和在北京遭受的歧视使他产生了极度自卑的心理 ,为了摆脱自卑的重负 ,他创造了两个相映成趣的文学世界 ,并因此获得了自尊。但只有沈从文以更具思辩、更带理性的眼光来看取乡村和都市的时候 ,他的创作才真正地超越了自卑 ,他也才得以跻身名家之列。
This essay focuses on Shen Cong wen's psychology of writing in respect of inferiority psychology of Adler. This author thinks that it is the decline of Shen's family and the prejudice he suffered from in Beijing that made him an inferior feeling. In order to get rid of such a heavy burden of inferiority, Shen created two different literary worlds that contrast beautifully with each other, and he gained self-respect. However, it was not until Shen treat the city and the countryside with a more reasonable and rational consideration that he can overcome his inferiority in writing and became a famous writer.
Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)