数字化信息的发展 ,对传统的企业管理观念和方法产生了冲击 ,对企业组织结构、管理模式、价值观念产生了全方位的冲击和深层次的震荡。一个全新的管理理念和范式正在形成中。为了适应数字化信息社会的非物质化、超时空性、可扩展性等特点 ,应该努力实现新的企业管理范式的转变。无疑 ,企业的虚拟化与网络化 ,价值观念的重塑 。
The traditional enterprises theories and methods have been shocked by the development of the digital information. A new management theory and paradigm is shaping up. In order to keep abreast of the characteristics of non physical, transcend space and time, expanding in the digital information society, the paradigm shift of the enterprises management should be brought about.
Journal of East China Shipbuilding Institute(Social Science Edition)