润扬大桥建成后 ,镇扬两个旅游城市将连为一体。镇江的自然旅游资源最具优势 ,江、山、林、泉、洞为特色 ;扬州的人文旅游资源最为丰厚 ,古、文、水、绿、秀为特色。两市的旅游业应资源共享、优势互补、协同发展。本文着重对镇扬联手开发古运河旅游风光带 。
The Runyang Yangtze River Highway Bridge will link Zhenjiang and Yangzhou, two famous tourist cities. Zhenjiang is rich in natural resources: rivers, hills, forests, springs and caves while Yangzhou is in human tourist resources:long history, rich culture, quiet water, green garden beautiful scenery. The two tourist cities should share their resources complement and coordinate with each other. This paper puts forward a concrete division of districts and a tenative idea about the exploitation of the tourist scenic zone of the Old Canal by Zhenjiang and Yangzhou.
Journal of East China Shipbuilding Institute(Social Science Edition)