目的:探讨胎龄及日龄对新生儿局部脑血流(rCBF)变化的影响及规律。方法:采用99mTc-ECD SPECT对早产儿组、足月早期新生儿组、足月晚期新生儿组共 16例进行脑血流灌注断层显像,并作半定量分析和读片分析。结果:早产儿组原始感觉运动区和枕叶rCBF低于足月早期新生儿组(P<0.05),显著低于足月晚期新生儿组(P<0.01),其额叶中份、顶叶 rCBF也低于足月晚期新生儿组(P<0.05),其余各叶皮质rCBF 随胎龄和日龄的增大有增加趋势。早产儿组脑血流显像图与足月早期新生儿组和晚期新生儿组比较有明显差异。结论:早产儿与足月儿的脑血流灌注显像有显著的差异,rCBF 的变化可能与新生儿大脑皮质相应区域发育成熟度和时间顺序有关。
Objective:To study the change of neonatal rCBF with gestational weeks (GW) and daysafter birth (DAB). Methods: 16 neonates who had the normal ^(99m)Tc-ECD SPECT rCBF imaging and thenormal results in the nerve system after clinical follow-up were divided into preterm neonates, early termneonates, later term neonates .The radioactivity uptake ratio (UR) of different gray matter to thalamic re-gion were calculated by ROI. Results: The primary sensomotoric and occipital RU of G1 (0.66±0.08,0.56±0.10) had significant difference compared with G2 (0.83±0.10,0.71±0.08, P<0.05) andG3 (0.94±0.06,0.79±0.07 P<0.01). The middle frontal and parietal RU of G1 (0.50±0.07,0.51±0.10) had significant difference compared with G3 (0.60±0.05 P<0.05,0.69±0.05, P<0.05).The rCBF of other gray matter tend to increase with GW and DAB. The most obvious difference of imag-ing between G1 and G2 was the primary sensomotoric area gray matter. Conclusion:These results showedthat the difference of rCBF in the diferent group is clearly related to the time and sequence of neurodevel-opment.