以 192名 13~ 18岁青少年为研究对象 ,采用脑电波超慢涨落分析技术 (ET) ,对其 12导联脑电图 (EEG)进行了记录和分析 ,重点探讨了α波 (8~ 13Hz)的发展特点 .结果表明 :1)随年龄的增长 ,13~ 18岁青少年α波不同频率成分的变化幅度不大 ;2 )平均频率 f的年龄变化不明显 ,基本保持在 10Hz左右 ,但女生的高于男生 ;3)青少年α波的优势成分不随年龄变化而变化 ,13~ 18岁的主导成分均为 10Hz的α波 ;4 )不同频率的α波在各脑区的分布均存在显著差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,α波的 f的分布特点为从额叶到枕叶逐渐增大 ;5 )不同频率脑电的α波的比率R的分布表现出不同的左右不对称性 ,α波的 f表现出明显的左脑优势 .
channel electroencephalography (EEG) of 192 adolescent aged from 13 to 18 were recorded and analyzed by encephalofluctuography technology (ET). The research put emphasis on the developmental characteristics of alpha band ranged from 8 to 13 Hertz. The results obtained are as follows: 1) With the increase of the age, it shows little change in different frequency components of alpha wave for 13~18 age group. 2) It has no marked difference for the average frequency of the different age groups, and remains at about 10 Hz. However, the average frequencies of girls are higher than those of boys. 3) The dominant components of alpha wave do not change with the increase of the age. The leading components for the age of 13 to 18 are all 10 Hz alpha wave. 4) The marked differences for the different frequencies of alpha wave in different brain areas are found. It rose from the frontal area to the occipital area for the distribution characters of the average frequency of alpha wave. 5) It shows different left-right non-asymmetry for the distribution of different frequencies of alpha wave. The average frequency of alpha wave shows an obvious dominant advantage of the left-brain hemisphere.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science)
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (30 170 32 8)
全国优秀博士学位论文专项资金资助项目 (19990 6 )