研究了钾元素对牛膝生物量和牛膝根中可溶性多糖含量的影响 ,设定了 4个钾离子水平 ,测定了根和冠的生物量 ,根的增粗情况以及根中K+ 浓度和可溶性多糖含量 .发现牛膝根可缓冲环境 [K+ ]对其植株生长的影响 ,且对K+ 有很强的富积能力 .K+ 可促使营养物质向牛膝根运输 ,促进牛膝根的增粗 ,提高单株牛膝根中可溶性多糖含量 .
The influence of potassium ion on biomass and polysaccharides content of Achyranthes bidentata was studied. Four teams were set corresponding to four levels of [K +]. The biomass of the roots and shoots of the individuals in every teams were measured,as well as the diameters of the roots and the content of K + and polysaccharides in the roots. It was found that roots of A. bidentata can buffer the influence of the content of K + in environment and strongly collect K +, and that K + can stimulate the transportation of nutritive material to roots and the thickening of roots in A. bidentata , and increase the individual polysaccharides content of A. bidentata.
Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)