对Λ型能级系统连续波无反转增益效应的研究表明 ,在耦合光的拉比频率小于多普勒宽度的情况下 ,多普勒加宽的非匹配能级系统 (耦合光波长λc 小于探测光波长λp)的无反转增益不仅存在 ,而且还强于匹配系统 (λc=λp)的无反转增益 ,文中从与无反转增益紧密联系的电磁感应透明 (EIT)
Continuous inversionless gain is studied in a Doppler-broadened Λ scheme. The inversionless gain is realizable in Doppler-broadened media for a coupling field wavelength well in excess of probe field wavelength when the laser power is significantly less than the Doppler width, and stronger than that of media for the coupling field wavelength equal to the probe field wavelength. In another scheme for the probe field wavelength well in excess of coupling field wavelength, the inversionless gain doesn't exist. The predictions are explained form the point of electromagneticaly-induced transparency.
Journal of Quantum Optics
国家自然科学基金 (19734 0 0 3
10 0 740 15 )