20世纪 2 0年代 ,在我国曾实施综合中学制。在高级中学中实施包括师范在内的职业教育 ,师范成为中学的一科。虽然综合中学制实施才几年便宣告失败 ,但这一制度仍具有现代价值。在进入 2 1世纪的今天 ,对中等师范学校进行“关、停、并、转”的改革 ,综合中学制似乎又有了回归的必要。
In 1920s,there existed in China a comprehensive middle school system which had multifarious functions. Vertically,it could be connected with higher education and laterally,it included vocational education and had training courses for primary school teachers as normal schools did.Though this system was Short lived,it is now of realistic significance. It seems that this system could be employed nowadays.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)