将语文教学的全过程作为一个整体系统 ,实现教学计划的系统性、教学内容的连贯性、教学双方的藕合性、教学方法的灵活性、教学实施的环境性等语文整体性教学的原则。语文整体教学的方法主要是 :提纲阅读式 ;朗读式 ;线索式 ;审题式 ;比较式 ;举一反三式 ;逆向式。
Taking the teaching of Chinese as a global system, achieving such principles for the global teaching of Chinese as the systematicness of the teaching plan, the coherence of the teaching contents, the agreement between the teacher and the students, the flexibility of teaching method and the environment of teaching performance. The methods for the global teaching of Chinese mainly include: reading the outline, reading aloud, finding clues, going over the questions, making comparison, drawing inferences about other cases from one instance, and teaching conversely.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)