氟甲基化指的是连有一个、二个或三个氟原子而不论是否连氢或其它卤原子的单个碳的氟化物作为氟化试剂的所有烷基化作用。氟甲烷作为氟甲基化试剂代表了有机氟化物合成的一个重要方面 ,正广泛应用于有机合成中制备多官能团的选择性氟化物中间体。该中间体能变成其它方法不易合成的氟甲基化产物。这些产物包括α-一氟、二氟、三氟甲基化羧酸、酯、氨基酸 ;通过wittig反应氟甲烷能用于制备一氟、二氟未端烯烷。使用氟甲烷具有操作简单、安全、低毒性与优点 ,有着广泛的应用前景。
The general tern 'fluoromethylation' is used to denote any alkylation involring the attachment of a single carbon unit contaiming one,two, or three fluorines,with or without other halogens present.Fluoremethanes represant a complementary facent of argano fluorine synthesis.They are being used in arganic synthesis to generate highly functionalized,selectively fluorinated intermediates which can be transformed into many fluoromethylated analogs not readily synthesiyed by other methods.These in clude α-mono-,di-,and trifluoromethylated carboxylic aeids,esters,amines,and amino acids.Through the wittig reaction fluoromethanes can be used to crcate monoand difluorinated terminal olefines.The use of fluoronethanes offers advantages of easy handling and low toxicity.
Journal of Tianshui Normal University