近年来 ,随着人们对绿色环保的日益重视 ,显示器由于近距离长时间观看 ,其安全性能不论从防电磁泄露还是防静电方面 ,都不断地提出新的更严格的标准和要求。目前国际上通行的显示器继最初达到瑞士的MPR Ⅱ标准后 ,又逐步提高到TCO 95、TCO 98、TCO 99标准。就发展趋势看 ,还有继续追求高标准的可能。为此 ,我们对抗静电材料进行了不懈的研究 ,力求通过对新型抗静电材料的应用来满足更为严格的安全标准。
As the environment protection becomes more and more important in recent years, there're new and more stringent limitations for CRT's anti-electromagnetic leakages, and antistatic which are usually watched very closely and continuously. Currently the popular CRT Displays in the world have to meet the requirements of TCO-95,TCO-98,TCO-99 from the early MPR-Ⅱ.The standard is possibly goes higher and higher according the tendency. We have had series studies on new antistatic materials in order to reach these more strict regulations.
Vacuum Electronics