“英才选拔型教育”向全民素质教育的转变、学历化教育向终身学习化体系的转变、被动教育向主动教育的转变 ,使图书馆的教育功能成为其主要功能。现代信息技术的发展使图书馆的教育职能得到了强化。新形势下 ,要强化馆员的综合素质 ,重视对读者信息技术的培训、重视高新技术和设备的应用 。
The change from'choosing outstanding person'to the'all-round education of the public',from the education for the higher diploma to the life-long study system,and from the passive education to the active education,makes the educational function of libraries a main one.The development of the modern informational technology strengthens the educational function of libraries.Under such a new situation,the overall qualities of librarians must be enhanced,the training of the readers,informational technology and the use of high-tech knowledge and equipment must be emphasized,The educational functions of libraries must be used to the full.
Journal of Langfang Teachers College