建立了吹扫捕集与气相色谱 -质谱联用 (P&T -GC -MS)测定饮用水中 8项挥发性有机污染物的分析方法。水样的加标回收率在 90 %~ 110 %之间 ,其相对标准偏差基本小于 5 .0 % ,该方法已成功地用于饮用水中挥发性有机污染物的测定 ,结果令人满意。
A purge and trap concentration method with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was evaluated for the determination of 8 kinds of trace volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in drinking water. The recovery ratios of the method were 90%~110%, and relative standard deviations were generally lower than 5.0% for 20μg/L VOCs. The application of method to determination of VOCs in real sample was tested by analyzing the drinking water samples. Satisfactory results were obtained.
Water Purification Technology