
非水介质中明胶水凝胶电场驱动行为的研究 被引量:1

Study on the Action of Gelatin Hydrogel Driven by Electric Field in Nonaqueous Medium
摘要 研究了明胶水凝胶在绝缘硅油中的电场响应行为。结果表明 ,在硅油中 ,明胶水凝胶在外加高压直流电场作用下可发生运动 ,其运动由转动和平动两部分组成。存在一个运动所需的最小阈值电场 ,只有外加电场在此阈值以上时 ,才可观察到水凝胶明显的运动。水凝胶的运动速度随外加电场的增大而增大 ,其运动可通过外加电场的大小来调控。由于硅油很稳定且在电场中不会电解 ,因此避免了传统电场驱动水凝胶在水介质中响应时不可避免的电解缺点 ,为建立一种新的电响应凝胶驱动方式提供了可能。 Action of gelatin hydrogel crosslinked with glutaraldehyde under DC electric fields of high voltage was studied. The experimental results show that the hydrogel can be driven by DC electric fields of high voltage in the medium of silicone oil, and the action of the hydrogel is composed of rotation and translation. There is a low critical electric field intensity, below which the action of the hydrogel may not be observed. The motion velocity and angle of the rotation of gelatin hydrogel are influenced by the electric field intensity. Because silicone oil is very stable and hard to electrolyzed in electric field, electrochemical reaction, which is inevitable and disadvantageous in conventional systems of electric stimulus response hydrogel, don't happen. Our work has provided a novel kind of electric field driving methods for hydrogels.
出处 《功能高分子学报》 CAS CSCD 2001年第4期465-468,473,共5页 Journal of Functional Polymers
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目 ( 5 9832 0 90 )资助
关键词 明胶水凝胶 电场驱动 非水介质 绝缘硅油 运动行为 gelatin hydrogel electric field driving nonaqueoes medium
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