TY 0 2A型小电流接地系统单相接地选线和定位装置由主机和信号电流探测器组成。该装置独特之处是通过信号电流探测器与主机联接 ,构成每一馈线对应于一个编码 ,能正确地显示何线路何相发生接地。当发生单相接地时 ,用信号电流探测器对信号电流进行跟踪 ,就可以找到接地线路和接地点的确切位置。增城电力局自 1999年 5月安装投运以来 ,查找线路故障点方便快捷 。
TY 02A low current ground device, comprising the mainframe and the signal current detector, makes each feeder correspond to a code through the link between the mainframe and the signal current detector, and tracks the signal current with the detector in case of a single phase earth fault, thus correctly locating the single phase earth fault in a low current ground system. The device was put into operation by Zengcheng Power Bureau in May 1999, and satisfactory results have been obtained in locating trouble spots of lines.
Guangdong Electric Power