经济发展离不开妇女的积极参与和妇女自身的发展。妇女发展的质量与水平 ,会影响她们子女的成长进步 ,以及社会延续和经济发展。我国改革开放中出现了妇女犯罪以及妇女自己的合法权益得不到维护等问题。家庭是社会的细胞 ,从现实生活中我们发现 ,妇女的定位 ,不仅对于她们自身的命运 ,而且对于她们的子女的身心发展都有极大影响。从本质上说 ,中国妇女的发展 ,是“中国经济发展”的一部分。在中国社会转型中 ,增强公民的法制观念 ,完善法律机制 ,重视妇女社会特征保护 ,依靠法治 ,建立对妇女、儿童等弱势群体的有效支持系统 ,将有利于妇女逐步完成自己的重新定位和角色认同。
Economic development must comprise women's self-development and their active participation. At the same time, the quality and the standard of women's development influences growth of their offspring, the expansion of the society and the economic development itself. In the course of the opening up, lots of women issues emerge. The question that the criminal issues and women's own legal rights can not be kept has become the important agenda which prevents to define women's position in the development of economy. Family is the cell of the society. From the real life, we find that women's reorientation, that is the further surge in their development and self-improvement influences not only their own fate, but also their children's minds. Essentially, the development of the Chinese women is the part of the development of Chinese economy. During the course of the transformation of the Chinese society, it is of outstanding importance to intensify people's legal background, improve it, attach great importance to protection of women's social status, build the supporting system for minor groups, as far as women and their children will assist the fulfillment of the reorientation to the recognition of their role.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)
湖南省社会科学规划课题 :宗教伦理与女性的社会角色定位 (湘宣字 [2 0 0 0 ]2 3号A0 84 )