我们从《世说新语》中可以看出魏晋名士的隐逸思想是非常复杂而微妙的。第一 ,他们普遍把隐逸生活看成理想人生的最高境界 ;第二 ,正始名士的隐逸思想体现了老庄哲学和儒学的冲突 ;第三 ,两晋名士的隐逸思想体现了道家和儒家的调和。研究名士们的隐逸思想 ,可以使我们更为深刻地认识他们那独具风流。
According to Shi Shuo Xin Yu , the seclusive thought of the elite in Wei and Jin Times is very complicated and delicate. The reasons lie in the following: most of them regarded seclusion as the ideal peak of their life; the seclusive thought of the elite in Zhengshi Times showed the conflict between Zhuang Zi′s philosophy and that of the Confucius; the seclusive thought of the elite in the two Jin Times showed the harmony of the Taoist School and the Confucian School. The study of their seclusive thought plays an important role in understanding their meaningful and unusual life.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)