经济结构一般是指国民经济中各经济部门或产业之间的比例关系和结合状况 ,它是衡量一个国家经济发展水平的一个基本方面。知识经济时代向我国传统的经济结构提出了挑战 ,我国必须调整经济结构 ,以现代高新技术改造传统产业 ,促进经济结构的不断优化 ,迎接挑战。高等教育就应站在迎接挑战的最前列 ,转变教育观念 ,优化教育模式 ,更新教学内容 ,以崭新的面貌服务于知识经济 。
Economic structure generally means the proportional relationship or combinative situation among various economic departments or industries. It can measure economic developing level of a country. The era of knowledge economy puts forward challenges to our traditional national economic structure. In order to meet the challenges, we must adjust the economic structure, transform traditional industries by means of modern high technology and promote the constant optimization of the economic infrastructures. This paper points out the role of higher education which must stand in the forefront of meeting the challenges. We must change our educational concept, optimize our educational patterns, renovate our teaching methods, so that higher education can serve the knowledge economy with its completely new outlook, thus making our national economic structure more rational and optimal.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)
湖南教育厅 2 0 0 0年课题 :地方高校学科建设研究 ( 0 0C2 3 7)