清代中叶 ,以郭步韫为代表的湘潭郭氏闺秀诗人擅名湖湘诗坛 ,创作上适心顺性 ,依情发韵 ,表现出一种与乾嘉以来以学问为诗的时尚迥乎不同的创作倾向 ,在地方文学家族中颇具特色。
In the middle of Qing Dynasty,the female poets of the Guos in Xiangtan with Guo Bu-yun as one of the most outstanding one, were famous among the poets in Hunan. Their poems were in a free style,with strong emotion and unique characteristics, which was quite different from the popular scholarship poems in Qianjia years.This made them unique among the local literary groups.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)