任何一个政党要承担起历史赋予的使命 ,都要加强自身建设 ,在新的历史条件下 ,民主党派的自身建设是一项长期而又艰巨的任务。针对新时期高校民主党派出现的新情况 ,加强高校民主党派基层组织的思想建设和组织建设 ,培养一支政治素质好、知识层次高、参政议政能力强、有代表性、有社会影响的骨干队伍 ,是新时期高校统战工作的主要任务。
To undertake the tasks entrusted by history,any Party should intensify self-formation. Under the new historical conditions, self-construction of democratic Parties is a long-term and pressing task.Ideological and organizational construction should be strengthened at the primary organizations of democratic Parties in higher learning institutions, due to the new situation in the democratic Parties in the new period.It is the major task of the united front to train highly qualified and much learned groups with influential and typical people of strong ability to participate in the administrative activities and discussions of state affairs.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)