西方的三大主要心理咨询理论———精神分析、行为主义、人本主义在创立的根本目标上基本相似 ,在人性观、方法论及作用等方面各有千秋。但没有一种理论是十全十美的 ,将各种理论兼容并蓄、扬长避短则是必然趋势。对于我们而言 ,只有在辩证地接受西方心理咨询理论的基础上 ,结合中国文化的特点 (如吸取儒家人生哲学和道家人生哲学思想 ) 。
The three major Western counseling theories, namely the Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism and Humanism are different in such aspects as the theory of human nature, methodology and curative effect except the similarities on the basis aim of establishment. In a word, there is no perfect theory and Eclecticism is the trend of the times. As for us, only on the basis of accepting the Western counseling theory dialectically, combining the characteristics of Chinese culture such as the Confucianists and Taoists can the counseling theory with Chinese characteristics come into being.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)
湖南省高等教育研究会重点资助课题"大学生心理健康及其教育研究"湘教 [1999]175号