The reproductivity of bacteroids from soybean ( with R.fredii USDA 192) , pea ( with R. legvminosarum 300 ) and white clover ( with R, trifolii T1) was tested by protoplast isolation and crushed nodule solution with the comparison of viable and total counts.The growth process was record ed by microchamber incubation and video recording. The morphology of bacteroids was rod ( for soybean ) or club and Y shape ( for pea and clover).Only rod shaped bacteroids ( soybean ) and small rods(pea and clover) showed growth and their reproductivity increased with the age of nodules (for soybean:from 0.01% at first nodule appearance to 40% at 10 weeks; for pea: from 0.01% at 2 weeks to 13% at 8 weeks). Osmoprotection showed no benefcial effect except for the young nodules. Bacteroids and small rods released from single protoplasts showed the same growth curve, but their absolute value was much lower that those from crushed nodules.A few bacteroids from old pea and clover nodules showed growth in microchamber incubation. They changed first to large motile rods and then started to divide.The width of rods got smaller after each division and finally reached the same size as rhizobia.The abnormal growth of pea bacteroids was also found when the moisture of growth chamber was low. They could change to the filament-like structure and broke into large rods or stoped to grow.
Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
Rhizobium sp, bacteroid