目的 :分析胸骨转移性肿瘤的CT与临床特点。方法 :收集原发肿瘤经病理 ( 30例 )和临床 ( 2例 )证实的 32例胸骨转移性肿瘤。全部病例均经CT检查 ,分别用纵隔窗和肺宽窗和 /或骨窗显示。结果 :胸骨转移性肿瘤的CT征象分成骨型 ( 5例 )、溶骨型 ( 13例 )和混合型 ( 14例 ) ,多数伴有软组织肿块 ( 2 4例 )和骨膨胀性改变 ( 2 0例 )。CT检查明显优于常规X线检查。乳腺癌 ( 15 /32 )、肺癌 ( 7/32 )和其它胸部恶性肿瘤最易转移至胸骨。结论 :CT检查是胸骨转移性肿瘤可靠的、最常用的方法。
Objective:To analyze CT features and clinical characteristics of sternum metastases.Methods:32 patients of sternum metastases from primary malignancy proved pathologically in 30 and clinically in 2 were collected. All of them were performed CT scanning with a display of mediastinum and wide lung window (W 1600HU;L -420~600HU) or bone window.Results:Sternum metastases were classified into three types according to their CT features:the osteoblastic type(n=5), osteoclastic type(n=13) and mixed type(n=14). Most of sternum metastases accompanied with soft tissue mass (n=24) and bony distention (n=20).CT was superior to radiography in demonstration of the lesion. The order of sternum metastases from primary malignancy was breast carcinoma(15/32),bronchogenic carcinoma (7/32) and other chest malignancies.Conclusion:CT is a reliable and most common examination in the diagnosis of sternum metastases.
Radiologic Practice