江苏连云港汉墓发掘所见尹湾汉简《武库永始四年兵车器集簿》所载“薰毒” ,甘肃敦煌汉悬泉置遗址发掘所见汉纸文书所载“薰力” ,均当即“薰陆”。这是现在所见到的此药的最早记载 ,说明此药至少在西汉早期即已输入我国 ,此药的记载至少应提前 30 0年。
The 'Collected Notes of Armed Vehicles of 4th year of Wuku Yong shi' in Han bamboo slips excavated from the remains of Han tomb in Lianyungang, Jiangsu, carries a 'Xun du', while a 'Xun li' is carrieds in the Han record paper excavated in the remains of Xuanquan of Han, Dunhuang, Gansu. Both should be 'frankincense', being the earliest record of this material, demonstrating that this medicine had been imported at least in early Western Han dynasty. Thus, the record of frankincense should be 300 years ahead of the existing record.
Chinese Journal of Medical History