目的 :研究降钙素基因相关肽 (CGRP)在中枢对大鼠胃粘膜血流量 (GMBF)的影响及作用机制。方法 :采用氢气清除法测定大鼠GMBF ,通过M、α、β受体阻断剂 (阿托品、酚妥拉明、心得安 )、切断膈下迷走神经及NO生物合成阻滞剂L -硝基精氨酸甲基酯 (L -NAME) ,研究侧脑室注射CGRP引起大鼠GMBF发生变化的作用机制。结果 :①侧脑室内注射CGRP能增加GMBF ,且呈量 -效关系。②切断膈下迷走神经、皮下注射阿托品、静脉注射L -NAME均分别阻断了CGRP增加GMBF的效应 ;静脉注射酚妥拉明能部分阻断此效应 ;而静脉注射心得安对此效应无显著影响。结论 :脑内CGRP可能是通过迷走胆碱能纤维及NO -左旋精氨酸旁路途径而增加GMBF 。
Objective: The mechanisms of intra-cerebroventricular (ICV) injection of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF) in rats were investigated.Methods:GMBF was measured by hydrogen gas clearance.The mechanisms were studied with M,α,βreceptor antagonist,vagotomy and NO biosynthesis inhibitor L-nitro-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME).Results:①When CGRP was infused intra- cerebroventricularly,GMBF were significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner.②The effect of CGRP on GMBF was abolished fully by vagotomy, atropine injected subcutaneously,L-NAME injected intravenously and decreased partially by phentolamine injected intravenously, but propranolol had no effect on them.Conclusion:It is suggested that CGRP in the brain might participate in the regulation of GMBF and this action might be mediated through cholinergic fibers of vagal nerve,NO and in part through adrenergic fibers.
Journal of Jiangsu Clinical Medicine