目的 探讨轻度上睑下垂的手术方法及疗效。方法 1991~ 2 0 0 0年对 15例 (18只眼 )行改良的睑板-结膜 - Muller氏肌部分切除术 (Fasanella- Servat operation) ,术后随访最长 9年 ,最短半年。结果 除 1只眼上睑内侧矫正不足外 ,其余病例均获满意效果。术后有 2只眼出现角膜刺激症状 ,无其它并发症发生。结论 提上睑肌肌力≥ 10 mm、下垂量 <2 mm者 ,用此法疗效良好。
Objectve To investigate the surgery and effect of the mild blepharoptosis.Methods From 1991 to 2000,18 eyes in 15 cases were performed with the modified Fasanella-Servat operation,followed up from half year to nine years.Results One eye in 15 cases was undercorrected in the media of the uppper eyelid,others were good.Corneal abrasion was observed in two eyes postoperatively.Conclusions The modified Fasanella-Servat operation is effective for the patients with good levator action (≥10mm),mild optosis (<2mm)
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology