目的 :班须按蚊在吸血过程中消耗了许多唾液腺蛋白质 ,本文目的是探讨吸血前后按蚊唾液腺蛋白质的变化。方法 :分组剖取吸血前后的班须按蚊唾液腺并应用SDS -PAGE及Westernblot方法进行按蚊唾液腺蛋白质变化的分析。结果 :(1)吸血前按蚊唾液腺内有 2 2条蛋白带和 7条抗原带 ,分子量为 10~ 170kDa。 (2 )按蚊叮咬期间 ,分子量分别为 16 ,2 3,2 8及 33kDa的蛋白质减少。 (3)吸血期间 ,分子量分别为 4 0 ,5 0及 6 5kDa的蛋白质减弱。 (4)吸血后 ,分子量为 14 ,35及 90kDa的蛋白质减少。 (5 )吸血后 3d ,唾液腺蛋白质恢复到或超过吸血前的水平。 (6 )应用Westernblot方法 ,从吸血后的蚊中肠内容物中检测出 90kDa的唾液腺蛋白质。结论 :吸血过程中 ,按蚊唾液腺内不同蛋白质参与吸血的不同阶段 。
Objective: During blood feeding Anopheles stephensi consumes many of salivary proteins. Our purpose was to investigate the changes of salivary proteins of An.stephensi. Methods: With SDS-PAGE and Western blot methods, we dissected and analyzed the salivary glands of An. stephensi. Results: (1) Before blood feeding, there were 22 protein bands and 7 kinds of antigen in the salivary glands.(2) During probing, proteins, of which molecular weight were 16, 23, 28,and 33 kDa, were depleted. (3) On blood feeding, proteins of 40, 50, and 65 kDa were consumed. (4) After full blood feeding, proteins of 14, 35,and 90 kDa were faded. (5) At the 3rd day post blood feeding, the proteins recovered to the unfed values or gradually increased in intensity. (6) By Western blotting, with the anti-saliva serum of mouse a 90 kDa antigen was detected in the fresh blood from the midguts of the mosquitoes. Conclusion: Mosquitoes of An. stephensi consume different salivary proteins at various stage of blood feeding. They take their own saliva into the midgut together with blood.
Journal of China Medical University