随着互联网向国际经济领域的不断渗透 ,发展网络银行业务将成为各国金融领域新的经营契机和利润增长点。中国银行业面临WTO和互联网的挑战 ,也不甘示弱 ,正在积极推进银行业的电子信息化建设 ,加快发展网络银行业务 ,以实现传统商业银行的网络化金融创新。
With the growing infiltration of Internet into international economic areas,to expand the network bankings will be a new business momentum and will give new impulse to profit in the financial realms of each country.In response to the challenges of WTO and Internet,China keeps pace with the trend by taking active measures such as estabilshing electronic information system,speeding up the network bankings etc,so that we can achieve the financial innovation of traditional commercial banks.
Journal of Audit & Economics