国有企业亏损在现阶段具有一定的普遍性 ,有明亏又有暗亏。造成企业亏损既有主观因素 ,又有客观因素 ,既有企业内部的原因 ,又有企业外部环境变化的影响。为了使企业尽早摆脱困境 ,必须树立创新意识 ,加快国有企业改革 ,加强国有企业管理 ,使企业真正成为自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的法人实体。
At the current stage,losses in the SOEs are commonplace.There are apparent losses and hidden losses.The major causes of the losses are due to the subjective and objective factors,as well as internal causes and external environmental influences.The contradiction is deeply rooted.So we must establish innovative recognition,accelerate the reform speed of the enterprises,reinforce SOE management,so as to enable them to make their own managerial decision,to assume their own responsibility for profit and loss,to ...
Liaoning Financial College Journal